If you're weary of summer already ☀️

Hey, there!

Well, now that it's fully summer, the chaos of summer preserving is starting, and the kitchen is a mess.

The garden is producing wonderfully, especially since we doubled the garden space this year, and the berries and summer harvests are starting to roll in from local farms.

But I've been finding myself overwhelmed by the overflowing fridge, never-ending to-do list, and lots of summer gatherings.

This is a time of year when it's easy to stretch your boundaries a little too thin.

You say yes to an invitation when you know you need a night at home.

You buy a case of peaches even though you're already exhausted.

You end up feeling grumpy and irritable when you want to feel calm and happy.

This happens! Many of us (myself included) struggle with people-pleasing and don't want to miss out on anything.

We want to be the person who puts up 100 cases of whatever during the summer or who is spontaneous and fun.

Needing a break doesn't mean you aren't productive or spontaneous or fun - it simply means you're tired.

Consider this email to be a gentle reminder that you don't have to do all the things right now if you don't want to (or even if you want to, but your tank is empty).

If you need to freeze those raspberries instead of making jam right now, who's to judge?

Follow your energy and listen to your body.

Say no to plans that drain you, and try to spend as much time as possible in nature (weather permitting).

Spend time around people who make you feel light and happy, and skip the ones who drain you.

If you're trying to preserve food, opt for super simple methods like dehydrating or freezing.

When you've rested enough, your energy will return, and you'll be ready for more hands-on projects or fun social outings.

This was going to be an email about all the projects I'm working on for the blog, but I quickly realized that wasn't the right message this week.

I hope these words allowed you to sigh out that stress you've been holding onto and relax a bit! Take care of yourself. I'll share more projects and recipes soon. :)

Milk Glass Home | Seasonal Slow Living

Welcome to Milk Glass Home, your spot for seasonal slow living. Think food preservation projects, real food recipes, fun DIYs, and helpful tips so you can slow down and live with the seasons. Subscribe below to get all of my recipes, tips, and guides!

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